i always love magazines whether its showbiz or soft porn (gay porn, that is!). the first thing i bought with my first paycheck was a showbiz magazine. and ever since, i'm hooked.

now, i am facing 2 problems. one, i have to cut down my budget. all prices are going up. food, electricity, transportation fare. thank goodness i don't have a car but still, cost of living now is almost 30% higher than last year.

two, my closet is getting smaller. my magazines are piling up and taking most of my closet space. not to mention i also collect cd's and dvd's either original or pirated. and everything goes to my closet.

one of the solutions i am thinking of is selling those magazines except my soft porn collection. for me, they're priceless. but before i do that, i'll scan the pictures that i like and post them here. so most of my scans are old and the guys are younger.

i can't do all of these in one sitting so you'll see them in the next couple of posts.