Saturday, June 20, 2009

andrew miguel screen caps from freshman

andrew miguel screen caps from freshman

split second frontal from freshman

freshman stars andrew miguel. it's one of those movies that go straight to dvd's. somehow, it has similarities to viva hotmen videos that were released a few years back. the video is short. honestly, it was quite boring and a bit drag. but then, i enjoyed it somehow. just skip the parts where he talks. try to mute the scene where he sang a song and was used as the background music, then, focus on his body. he's young and he's gorgeous and he is really yummy...
in the swimming pool scene, there was a split second frontal. i thought at first, it was nothing but i tried going back. and it was there. it only took almost less than a second -- at 32:23 to be exact. it wasn't that big but, come on, he came from a pool. it was shot at night and definitely he was cold. so, it was understandable -- i guess!

here are some of the photo stills from the dvd [buy the original copy]... enjoy!

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