Saturday, June 29, 2013

my two cents

a few days ago, the supreme court of the united states ruled against defense of marriage act (doma).  by this decision, states that allow same-sex marriage can provide marriage to same-sex couples and provide the same rights and privileges just like with straight couples.  i hope i'm right.  but, still there are 37 states that ban same-sex marriage in the united states.  somehow, this is a good step forward for their country and to the gay and lesbian americans.  unlike here in my country, philippines,  such move is so bleak and almost never going to happen.  but, still a victory for everyone and a sign of maturity for all of us.

for the past few weeks, things are not doing well in my life.  so, seeing this on the news put a smile on my face and gave me hope that things will be better.  when i was watching the news with my sister, father and mother, they were unhappy for this.  but, i still feel happy deep inside.  my younger sister was angry because for her it's the end of the world.  she's younger than me for crying out loud.  my mother was very upset and my father was disgusted.  they don't know that there is someone in their life that i think they love who thinks and knows this is hope.

they still don't know that i'm gay.  the signs are there but they refuse to accept.  a few months ago, i thought my mother was alright with it because she said, 'there is nothing wrong for being gay'.  but, somehow, she forgot she said it.

i don't want to call it same-sex marriage but marriage equality.  marriage equality gives gays and lesbians the same rights and privileges just like the straight couples.  not only that, but solidifies the fact that we are people too who are living, breathing, eating, and are capable to love and be loved in return.  we are just like everyone else.  we are not incomplete.  we are not sinners.  we are brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers.  we are good people.
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