Monday, December 31, 2012

random pinoy hottie

alexander doetsch & matt smith

these screen caps are from the movie, 'christopher and his kind'...

alexander doetsch

the screen caps are from the movie, 'christopher and his kind'...  he is so gorgeous...


alexander doetsch & matt smith

they are so hot...

this scene is from the movie, 'christopher and his kind'.  the story is about the author  christopher isherwood and his life during the time he spent in berlin, germany.  the story is intriguing.  i liked it.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

random pinoy hottie

nick zano

these screen caps are from season 1 episode 2 of 'cougar town'...  he is so yummy...

afternoon delight

alexander doetsch

these screen caps are from the movie, 'christopher and his kind'...

alexander doetsch

alexander doetsch is so beautiful...

these scenes are from the movie, 'christopher and his kind'.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

afternoon delight

tim dekay & arye gross

this scene is sweet and heart-breaking at the same time...

this scene is from the movie, 'big eden'.  the story is interesting and warm.  for the first half of the movie, i was really into it.  then, somehow henry (arye gross) is attracted to pike (eric schweig).  that is the wtf moment happened.  i don't understand that they casted eric schweig for the role of pike and be the love interest of henry.  he did a good job in acting but dean (tim dekay) is very charming.  the producers could have picked a different guy.  someone who is, let's say, the same level as tim dekay -- good-looking.  i understand that falling in love is not always physical and/or sexual but the ending is really surprising.  actually, more of shocking.

i, also, didn't get why dean is saying he can't wherein he can.  he is separated.  he got the custody of the children.  henry and dean can be together.  his kids also like henry.  i don't see any hindrances.  but, that is how the story went.  henry ended up with pike and everyone's happy.  i'm not.  sorry.

Friday, December 28, 2012

mario maurer

these screen caps are from the movie, 'the love of siam'...

random pinoy hottie

mario maurer & witwisit hiranyawongkul

this scene is so sweet...

this scene is from the movie, 'the love of siam'.  the movie is quite long but it is worth it.  the ending is a bit weird.  i don't understand that they didn't end up together.  almost all of the people in their lives already knew they are gay.  they also know that they have a relationship.   even the mother of tong (mario maurer) has changed her mind and accepted him.  i don't get it.  overall, the movie is really good and very much recommended.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

james franco & aaron tveit

james franco is so cute...  i still have hots for him...

this scene is from the movie 'howl.

afternoon delight

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

sean wing & matt barr

these screen caps are from the movie 'ten inch hero'...








oh, how i wish they made out...  that would be awesome...
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